In the surface design of all things lives a code of love and creation within its pattern.



The LoveCode pattern collection vibrate the feeling of balance like the beat of a drum. The repetition and balance of lines is the visual for a sound mind.


The Free Fish / School of Fish pattern and graphic collection is designed to speak of freedom and the expression of “You are your own support system because you are all that there is.”


iHCULOCHi NAME items are designed to showcase the iHCULOCHI graphic and Knowings. The proceeds of NAME items go to the expansion of iHCULOCHi’s edification.

iHCULOCHi Scarves

Like everything at iHCULOCHi, our scarves are created with the inspiration of nature’s knowledge. Each color palette tells a story of nature’s intelligence and purpose within us all.


    Light’s reflections is when you reflect your true self rather than the perception of others. Nature shows us that beauty is within the reflection of light. And that everything we see is our own reflection.


    Beyond the reef is where the unknown is revealed. The reef is the line that lies between the shallow truths and the deep knowing. Go beyond the reef and out of the comfort zone of lies and deceit. Beyond the reef is entering into what you create without the influence of the programmed world.


    Inner earth is all knowing. It is the soil of which every living thing comes from and goes back to. The earth holds all the information of every living thing. Within the earth nothing ever dies. Though the surface may look dead and dry, go deeper and you will find waters of life. This is the case with us as well. On the surface we may feel confused, overwhelmed, and lacking but deep within we are a rushing water of knowledge.


    Nature is royalty and we are nature. Nature is perfect because it is its true self. When we remember who we truly are, we realize that we are perfect as well. No need to be fixed, or maintenance(d). Nature shows us that everything is created with everything it needs to survive. The form we are is the form we are intented to be. No body type is right or wrong, it is as it is to be. Nature is royalty because it knows what it is.. We are as nature (royal) when we are as knowing.