iHCULOCHi ® is an Art / Spirit edification brand of creative freedom. Its focus is on the consciousness of one’s true self guided by nature’s wisdom to embody creativity and knowing as Spirit to reach the height of One’s free and powerful Self.


Art is everywhere and everything. It is that spark of creativity where energy is at its highest point.

iHCULOCHi® scarves and graphic prints are rhythmic designs inspired by the natural pattern of timeless fantasy. It combines the limitless beauty of Nature’s tones with the visual complexity of its technology and the harmonic beats of traditional rituals and modern symbols. Each pattern and graphic has meaning and is a representation of Ones true self.

Current estimated production time for our scarves is 7 business days.

The Pattern of everything can be recognized and observed when one is consciously looking for it. Seeing the pattern of any given situation or matter is what sets apart the truth from illusion.

The patterns of one’s life can be decoded once they are conscious of it. From the way the seasons change to the way we walk, talk and think, everything is a pattern. Even the change in a pattern is part of a greater pattern. By being conscious of these patterns, one can greatly shift their awareness and put them in conscious control of the ins and outs of their life. The pattern designs of iHCULOCHi are a reminder to look with appreciation for the patterns in life that teach lessons to clear paths for inevitable freedom and power.


Nature is our Spiritual guide and teacher of what was and what will be. It holds the knowledge of the original root of it all and the technology to true development and power.

IHCULOCHi’s Wall Art is created as shrines of visual balance, harmony and unlimited wisdom. They are reminders to look to nature as a future sourced by natural Intelligence within, as we are nature.

A shrine is a sacred or holy space dedicated to a specific figure of respect, where they are magnified. Shrines are often visual representations of that being held sacred.

When we KNOW our true Self, we Know that all objects of power are powered through us. We are the source of all power therefore an object or in this case a shrine is only a visual reminder of the power and knowledge you hold within. All power in this realm comes through us.


Power is the Knowing of ones true self through the path designed to get there.

iHCULOCHi publications are our distribution of printed work. Our work reflects the true imaginative nature of it all and the lessons held within.

Everything in this realm can be seen through the eyes of wonder and glory, as a playground, battle ground and/or practice field. It all is in how one chooses to see it. At iHCULOCHi, we see it as a quest and journey with wonderful lessons at every turn. Nothing is random and everything is perfectly designed to get us back home.

All printed work is made available to purchase through online distributers.


To truly Love ourselves is to reflect Love in everything around us.

Support and Reflect

Every surface design at iHCULOCHi is created with the intention of reverberating nature’s wisdom with the goal of true freedom which is inevitable when one KNOWs their true self and returns home. Returning Home is not a physical journey but one of the mind consciously connecting with Spirit. Support and Reflect the remembrance of being THAT which everything is.