Nature are shrines of remembrance of our creative powers and wisdom that bring forth balance, peace and harmony.


Nature Shrine 1: Growth

We are forever growing and never die. With each branch that grows out of us take time to grow out but before we may realize that branch has grown leafs that eventually turn into more branches which made the whole base and body stronger.

Nature Shrine 2: Grounded

Being grounded is having footing or roots. When we know who we are and therefore know where we are going, we are grounded in that knowing. Knowledge isn’t something you gather or obtain, it is something you have within. Knowing what is within is your solid ground you can then stand on.

Nature Shrine 3: Balance

The comprehension of karma is not as it seems. It is not as a punishment or reward but rather a coming to the understand of all times experience all points of view. When one is able to see from all directions they are balanced.

Nature Shrine 4: Harmony

Although, our lives may seem out of rhythm, harmony is actually within every move we make. Which is why no matter where you are on your path you are always on the right path. You are in sync with everything and everything is in sync with with you because are everything and everything is you.

Nature Shrine 5: Creation

Creation is thought. Every thought had, creates energy of that which all things are. As one may have what they perceive as a random thought, the source of that thought is not random at all. It comes from the Source of all things for you to create that next direction in your eternal life path. All paths lead Home but the design of each path is created within freedom of expression which we know as free will.


I came as a fish out of water
to find my way back to the water.
Only to discover that the water I seek
is inside me and with that I swim freely.


Nature shows us that when different connect Life is created because then it is whole as all is one.